Mark Anthony is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher and healer on a mission to awaken people to the revelation of Heaven within.

From Hell to Heaven: A Miraculous Story of Healing Sexual Abuse & Addiction with Forgiveness!

Mark Anthony’s story brings hope to a world in deep pain. In one of his darkest moments, trapped in addiction and unhealed trauma from sexual abuse and not knowing where to turn – he prayed that forgiveness release him from all the pain. In an instant he was lifted out of the suffering and into his spiritual identity. The pain dissolved and compassion for his abusers flooded in. He was instantly released from the mental and emotional pain that plagued him daily. He was healed and the abusers were forever forgiven. 

And now, he shares his story, and other phenomenal spiritual experiences, so that others can also know the power of spiritual healing through the transformative power of forgiveness. 

His groundbreaking method, 7 Gates to God, offers a bold, radical path to healing—turning pain into empowerment and trauma into triumph. Through his teachings, individuals are inspired to break free from the chains of their past, embrace healing, and step into a life filled with hope and renewed purpose.

From the beginning of Mark’s spiritual studies at Agape I saw in him the  inspired, compassionate teacher and spiritual leader he is today. He is living his calling!

michael bernard beckwith

Michael Bernard Beckwith

Founder Agape International Spiritual Center

Mark’s dedication to doing the work proves itself in his tremendous ability to support others along their path to freedom.

Byron Katie

Author Creator of "The Work"

From the moment I met Mark I felt his powerful spirit and passion for God. He’s the real deal!

Gabby Bernstein

Author, Speaker & Podcast Hosst

Mark is a genius at creating transformational experiences that help people awaken to the healing power of the Holy Spirit. I deeply respect his commitment to forgive everyone for everything.

Aaron Abke

Spiritual Teacher

Mark does an excellent job of explaining the truth about the world, and how to undo the ego and go home to the Reality of our Source.

Gary Renard

Best-selling Author

When Mark speaks he lights up the room and ignites people into action. (You might need the fire Marshall on hand!)

legrande green

LeGrande Green

Former Supervising Producer for the Oprah Winfrey Show

Most Recent Podcasts

Also heard on…

  • Miracle Voices Podcast
  • Sex, Love, and Addiction with Dr. Rob Weiss
  • Heart Coherence Podcast
  • Permission to Thrive with Suzi Lula
  • Living with Jesus Podcast with Britney Shawley
  • Find Your Fierce and Loving with Lola Wright
  • The Compassionate Leaders Circle Podcast
  • The Soul-ish Podcast with Whitney Abke
  • Grief Relief Recover with Charlene GORZELA
  • Today I Choose with Melissa Bingham
  • Work with Soul
  • Maria Flipe Show
  • The Medicine with Mimi Lindquist

Mark Anthony Lord Bio

Mark Anthony Lord is a highly accomplished spiritual leader with over 22 years of experience. He founded the Bodhi Spiritual Center in Chicago, growing it from three people to thousands, and Living The Course, a virtual community that has touched over 20,000 lives in four years.

Mark holds a Master’s in Divinity, is ordained in Unity and Science of Mind, and is an internationally recognized teacher of A Course In Miracles. His spiritual education includes studying with Michael Beckwith, Marianne Williamson, and Byron Katie.

A former Disney choreographer and director, Mark is also an author of “The Seven Living Words,” “Thou Shall Not Suffer”. He is an international speaker and spiritual coach, dedicated to helping individuals heal and transform their lives through the power of forgiveness and spiritual principles.

Additional Topics

Plant Medicine

A Course In Miracles


Building Your Dreams

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To have me on your podcast, do a live together on social media or other speaking event, please fill out this form below. A member of my team will reach out to you regarding next steps. Thank you! 

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